Service FAQ

  • How do I send my products for service?

    Please fill out the Service Return Form before each shipment and include a printout of the form with your shipment. We cannot perform service without this information.

    The sales partner you purchased from is familiar with the process and can certainly give you competent advice. In a country with a SCHOEPS distributor/Premium Dealer, this is the appropriate contact address. This person regularly ships and receives goods from Schoeps, so shipping costs are minimal in this case. He is also competent and experienced in dealing with customs and repair costs.

    Dealing directly with Schoeps is also possible, and may be a bit faster, but the shipping costs will be higher than with a combined repair shipment by a sales partner.

    You can send us your products directly from anywhere in the world to:

    SCHOEPS - Service
    Bienleinstorstraße 30
    76227 Karlsruhe

    Before sending, you must fill out the Service Return Form and send it to [email protected] to get an RMA number. The RMA number must be clearly noted on the package/delivery bill. No processing can be done without this RMA number. The shipment must be free. Please note the information under "What do I have to pay attention to when sending in products in terms of customs?"

    We will keep you informed:

    • at the time of arrival of the package
    • during the service: only in case of questions
    • when your products are ready for shipment: you will receive the invoice with request for payment. We will ship directly after we receive the payment.


  • What do I have to pay attention to when sending in products in terms of customs?

    Please send your delivery bill together with the service return form in advance by e-mail to [email protected]. We need this information for German customs. Without it we will not receive the repair, and there will be additional costs as well as a large loss of time due to the return and re-sending. Information about the shipping service provider and their shipping number is also helpful.

    The delivery bill must include the RMA number (see "What is the process for repairs?"), the sender’s complete address, and a detailed listing of all products in the package along with their value and serial numbers, if available. The number of items on the delivery bill must exactly match the number of products in the package; thus, each individual product must be listed separately.

    Proforma invoice or the copy of the waybill/customs declaration should be sent in advance in the ticket (reply to the e-mail of the service procedure). 

    A copy of the delivery bill must be attached to the outside of the package so that customs can view it without opening the package. Otherwise, there will be delays in customs clearance.

    Customs clearance must be completed or your microphone will not reach us! In general we recommend using the services of your dealer/distributor, which may also be less costly because of combined shipping costs with other repairs from your country or region.

    Please note that the tracking service may already report "Delivered" when the goods arrive at customs, but are not yet at our company.

    The package must reach us without any open charges. We do not accept C.O.D. packages or pay any charges incurred due to incorrect shipping documents.

  • I have an older SCHOEPS microphone. Can I still have it repaired?

    Our products are very durable, and most of the time we can repair all products, even if they are well over 20 years old. However, even we eventually run out of spare parts. Therefore, in general, we can no longer offer service for any tube microphones, MK 6 three-pattern capsules, CMTS stereo microphones, the VMS 02/52 preamplifiers, or any microphones older than the Colette series (ca. 1974), e.g. the CMT series or the Strässer CM 640. For safety reasons, power supplies of these series can no longer be repaired, either.

    All other models can be sent in directly at any time. Please note that our service fees (below) are staggered according to the age of the microphones. Beyond 20 years we quickly reach 50% of the list price and more.

    If you conclude that it makes more sense or is more economical to purchase a new microphone, please ask for a quote; under such circumstances, we may offer you a price reduction for a new microphone in exchange for the older product. Also, don't forget that a product may have carried the same name for many years (e.g. MK 4 or CMC 6), but have undergone significant technical improvements during that time.

    Older microphones or capsules and risk of total loss

    The product must be opened or disassembled in order to prepare a cost estimate and/or to carry out the repair. However, with old microphones (particularly capsules) sometimes we find that we cannot restore any residual function that may have existed before. Occasionally it is impossible even to reassemble the capsule–for example, when the housing is damaged. In this worst-case situation, the capsule or amplifier can be returned only in disassembled form, i.e. as individual parts. If a repair should no longer be economically reasonable or technically feasible, we will contact you and discuss alternatives (see below).

  • Upgrade CMIT capsule to Generation D for CMIT 5 / MiniCMIT

    This upgrade brings the shotgun capsule up to date. Among other changes, the upgrade also makes the capsule more resistant to high humidity. The upgrade is offered exclusively for CMIT 5 and MiniCMIT produced before 2021 (SN < ~9200). CMIT 5 and MiniCMIT manufactured in or after 2021 already contain a Generation D capsule.

    Details about the generations of CMIT 5 and MiniCMIT microphones can be found here and here. See also SCHOEPS microphones in extreme weather conditions.

    Please note that this upgrade replaces only the capsule (and potentially) capsule housing of the microphone, not the electronics or the amplifier housing. Thus it may result in slightly different colors of the capsule housing versus the amplifier housing.

    The CMIT 5 and the MiniCMIT have been continuously improved over the years. Purchasing a new microphone can be the better solution, especially if you plan to use the microphone on wireless transmitters.

    No. 283001 Upgrade CMIT capsule to Generation D, Costs: 300 € + the standard "small service fee" (#282003/13/23): 55€/155€/205€, according to the microphone’s age (see table below)


Warranty Terms

We offer a two-year manufacturer's warranty on all microphone capsules (MK), microphones (e.g. CMIT, CCM) and microphone amplifiers (CMC). By registering the products on our Web site, the warranties of capsules, microphones and amplifiers can be extended to ten years for free.

This extension of warranty applies only to the original purchaser and is not transferable. The warranty applies to new items only, based on their date of first purchase. They have to be purchased after September 1, 2019 and registered within one year after purchase.

However, Schoeps reserves the right to restrict the warranty if significantly more than two years have elapsed between the date of sale to the dealer and the date of sale to the customer. During the warranty period, we guarantee that the product will work properly in the sense of normal use, unless it has been handled improperly. Signs of heavy wear, deposits of dirt or significant liquid residues void the warranty. In addition, the warranty will be voided if items from the Colette series are connected to modules via the Colette screw connector that have not been approved by Schoeps for this purpose.


Our sustainability:

Buying a microphone from Schoeps is an investment in a quality. It will work flawlessly with good care for many years. It is not uncommon for our customers, such as broadcasting companies, to use capsules and amplifiers over 30 years old.

We guarantee that every sold SCHOEPS microphone will be serviced and repaired for at least 20 years after purchase. Most capsules and modules of the Colette series (which started in 1973) can still be maintained and repaired today, and nothing will change in the future. All Schoeps products are designed to be repaired efficiently and can be used as a tool for professionals over many years.

We strive through our development and product policy that the loss in value of our products is low and therefore their used value is relatively high.

Our commitment to sustainability also includes our philosophy of a modular system. Our customers will be able to combine all components of our microphone series (Colette, CCM, CMIT) even in the future and thus invest long-term in systems that are sustainably maintained and expanded. Above all, our Colette series stands for this constancy: their compatible components have been developed since 1973 until today. Future components will also be compatible.

Our care recommendation:

Always ensure that the capsules are not used in a dusty environment and that they are kept in a closed container (eg in the case provided) after use, as the ingress of dust may impair their function. In conjunction with high humidity, it can lead to condensation and thus cracking noises. If the microphone capsule has become wet, it should dry for about half an hour at room temperature, then it will usually work properly again.

If the microphone makes clicks, it is likely that the capsule inside is dusty. At this point it is necessary to send them for cleaning. We strongly advise against opening and cleaning by the customer, partly because this invalidates all warranty claims. Also, the contact rings of the capsules must not be cleaned with liquids.

If use in a dirty or dusty environment is unavoidable, a windshield should be used to avoid the problems described above.

A dirty capsule, microphone amplifier or active accessory can be cleaned by blowing out the contact plate with oil-free compressed air. If this does not help, a new toothbrush soaked with isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) can be used to clean the contact plate while the amplifier/active accessory is held down. Then shake off excess liquid. It must not get inside the amplifier/active accessory! Ensure adequate drying.

Covid-19: We have written a separate page on the special problem of disinfection and cleaning of microphones & accessories.

Article on SCHOEPS microphones in extreme weather conditions

Our Maintenance Recommendation:

For microphones, microphone capsules, and amplifiers, we recommend regular maintenance at (usage-dependent) intervals of around 5 years, to verify and ensure proper function and reliability. Depending on the model and condition, the following standard procedures are carried out for such a maintenance appointment:

  1. Small maintenance
    1. Cleaning of the contacts and the mechanics
    2. Replacement of small parts
    3. Measuring and checking the performance
  2. Replacement of the housing (If requested, a completely new housing with the same serial number is installed

After the maintenance you have a microphone/amplifier, which should work reliably for several years and may even look like new.

It should not be forgotten that over the years all capsules and amplifiers have significantly improved technologically. Even if they partly bear the same name (eg CMC 6 or MK 2) and show very similar measured values, they differ considerably internally. Therefore, the maintenance and repair prices are age-dependent. In general, instead a major repair should also be considered an exchange for a modern, new model.

Prices see price list maintenance and repair below.

After the maintenance you have a microphone/amplifier, which should work reliably for several years and may even look like new.

It should not be forgotten that over the years all capsules and amplifiers have significantly improved technologically. Even if they partly bear the same name (eg CMC 6 or MK 2) and show very similar measured values, they differ considerably internally. Therefore, the maintenance and repair prices are age-dependent. In general, instead a major repair should also be considered an exchange for a modern, new model.

Prices see price list maintenance and repair below.

service prices

Maintenance and repair will be billed after service flat rates. This allows us to achieve greater cost transparency. The costs depend mainly on the age of the product. We distinguish between new (0-10 years), older (10-20 years) and vintage products (over 20 years).

In the first 2 (or 10, after registration) years, a repair can also be free if it falls under our warranty conditions. Often, as a matter of goodwill. We also apply the warranty conditions for products that are older than 2 years.

Important: Repairs of capsules and amplifiers are always treated separately. A complete modular microphone (amplifier CMC + capsule MK) will appear on the repair invoice as two repairs, one for the work on the capsule and one for working on the electronics. This parallel processing also applies to all microphones that consists of a fixed capsule / amplifier combination, eg CMIT 5, SuperCMIT, CCM, MSTC, CMH.

The following list shows our service packages. Before that some non-binding examples of repair prices are mentioned.

(all prices net plus shipping, not binding, valid only for direct processing):


  • capsule, 8 years old, cleaning, small parts and measuring: flat-rate € 35
  • capsule, 8 years old, new housing or membrane or both: flat-rate€ 95
  • amplifier, 13 years old , Cleaning, small parts and measuring: flat-rate € 125
  • amplifier, 13 years old, new housing and contacts: flat-rate € 195
  • CCM microphone, 6 years old, cleaning, small parts and measuring the capsule: flat rate € 35 + new housing at the electronics module: flat-rate € 95 = Total € 130
  • CMIT 5 with fall damage, 12 years old, new housing for the capsule part: flat-rate € 255 plus cleaning, small parts, measuring the electronics (without new housing for this part of the microphone): flat-rate € 155 = Total € 410
  • RC with defective swivel, 15 years old, new housing incl. new cabling flat-rate € 255
  • KC 5 with defective plug, 17 years old --> a repair is uneconomical, because the costs are close to the list price


Article No.

Article description

Product Age

Flat charge in €

282000 repair


2 years, afterwards on goodwill

0 €

for MK, BLM3, BLM03C, CCM, CMH, CMC, CMBI, CUT, CMR, etc.
Please note: The service flat rates apply individually to the amplifier part and the capsule part of a CCM microphone.


Small service 01 incl. cleaning and measuring

0-10 years

55 €


New housing and/or large service 02 incl. cleaning and measuring

95 €


Small service 11 incl. cleaning and measuring

10-20 years

145 €


New housing and/or large service 12 incl. cleaning and measuring

195 €


Small service 21 incl. cleaning and measuring

> 20 years

185 €


New housing and/or large service 22 incl. cleaning and measuring

250 €

for CMIT 5, SuperCMIT, MiniCMIT, MSTC, CMXY and RC, KC etc.
Please note: For microphones, the service flat rates apply individually to the amplifier part and the capsule part.


Small service 03 incl. cleaning and measuring

0-10 years

55 € (capsule part)
55 € (amplifier part)


New housing and/or large service 04 incl. cleaning and measuring

175 € (capsule part)
175 € (amplifier part)


Small service 13 incl. cleaning and measuring

10-20 years

155 € (capsule part)
155 € (amplifier part)


New housing and/or large service 14 incl. cleaning and measuring

255 € (capsule part)
255 € (amplifier part)


Small service 23 incl. cleaning and measuring

> 20 years

205 € (capsule part)
205 € (amplifier part)


New housing and/or large service 24 incl. cleaning and measuring

450 € (capsule part)
450 € (amplifier part)

283001Upgrade CMIT capsule to Generation D 300 € +
Small service 03/13/23:
55€/155€/205€, depending on age

The package must reach us without any outstanding charges or fees. Costs for the return shipping will be charged.

When processing via dealers a handling fee may be added.