- Which is the best microphone for guitar/vocals/flute/violin/drums etc.?
In our opinion there is no such thing as a "best" microphone. Basically, all of our microphones can be used for all types of sound sources. When choosing a microphone, the deciding factors may be the acoustical parameters of the recording (recording distance, room size, live vs studio environment, etc.).
- Do I really need a windscreen?
In a studio: not necessarily, as long as there are no drafts from doorways or air conditioning units. Outdoors: definitely, even when there seems to be no wind. A microphone can't distinguish between wind and low-frequency sound; even slight air motion can cause large signal amplitudes that can overload the input of a microphone preamplifier.
- What size windscreen should I use?
Not too big but not too small, either! In general, the more effective a windscreen is at protecting a microphone from wind, the more likely it is to affect the microphone's sound quality and directional properties. For light winds a hollow foam windscreen will usually suffice; in a storm you will need a large basket-type windscreen with fur covering. In addition to a windscreen, a low-cut filter is always recommended, such as our model CUT 60.