This Double MS Plug & Play set includes microphones, windscreen and cable for recording using the Double MS technique. It is intended for recording the three unprocessed microphone signals and subsequent post-processing with our Double MS plug-in.
The set contains the following products:
The CCM microphones can be replaced with the corresponding combinations of CMC 1 L amplifier and MK capsule.
ambience recording at a Christmas market (windscreen removed for photo)
ambience recording at a Christmas market (windscreen removed for photo)
ambience recording at a Christmas market (windscreen removed for photo)
Stereophonic recording technique | Double MS |
Double M/S – a Surround recording technique put to test Paper on the basics and properties of the Double M/S technique Helmut Wittek et al., 2010 Articles | en | |
Stereo and Surround recording principles by Helmut Wittek, 2012. Lectures | en | |
Surround brochure Infos on recording techniques for Surround Sound, from 2007 User Brochures | en | |
Schoeps Surround Microphones presents surround recroding techniques Helmut Wittek, 2012 Lectures | en | |
Old Town festival Ambience at the open air festival in Durlach (Recording: Moritz Müller, SCHOEPS) Sound Samples: Double MS | - | |
Ambience Marketplace Ambience with tram in Durlach (Recording: Daniel Keinath, SCHOEPS) Sound Samples: Double MS | - | |
Beethoven piano concert Recording: Daniel Keinath, SCHOEPS Sound Samples: Double MS | - | |
Double-MS Test signal Sine bursts reproduced clockwise between 0° and 360° Sound Samples: Double MS | - | |
Castagnets Test signal: dry castagnets reproduced clockwise at the angles 0° - 30° - 60° - 90° - 120° - 150° - 180° - 210° - 240° - 270° - 300° - 330° (Recording: Magdalena Plewa, SCHOEPS) Sound Samples: Double MS | - | |
Shostakovich Symphony Orchestral recording, Double MS as the main microphone, additional 4th channel: lowpass-filtered omni (CCM 2 compact microphone + LP 40 lowpass filter) Recording: students of the Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart/ Prof. Oliver Curdt recorded in winter semester 2006 / 2007 5th symphony, Shostakovich, beginning of the 4th movement Christophorus Symphonie Orchester Stuttgart (CSO) Sound Samples: Double MS | - | |
AK DMS 3U Assembly Instructions User guides, manuals | en |
Instead of the CCM microphones, microphones consisting of a CMC 1 L amplifier and an MK capsule are also suitable. The Double MS Windshield Set Pianissimo can alternatively be ordered in this modular form.