The Quest for Perfect Nature Soundscapes

For nature sound recordist and audio engineer Matthew Mikkelsen, capturing the essence of the natural world isn’t just a profession—it’s a lifelong mission. Based in Duluth, Minnesota, Mikkelsen has spent years exploring some of the world’s most remote and pristine environments, recording soundscapes that transport listeners to untouched landscapes. With a career that spans documentary filmmaking, game audio, and immersive sound design, his dedication to preserving and sharing nature’s sonic beauty has led him to develop one of the most extensive collections of immersive nature recordings in the world.

A pivotal tool in his work is the Schoeps ORTF-3D microphone array, which has allowed him to push the boundaries of nature sound recording. From the rainforests of Costa Rica to the storm-tracked plains of the United States, the ORTF-3D has accompanied Mikkelsen on thousands of miles of field recording expeditions. This microphone array has become an essential companion in his mission to document and preserve the world’s natural soundscapes.

In this article, Matt tells us about his work.


Can you briefly introduce yourself?

I’m Matthew Mikkelson. I'm based in the United States; specifically, I live in northern Minnesota. I work as a sound recordist and a sound designer, mostly recording the sounds of nature for nature sound libraries. I also work in film, I work with apps, and I work with game developers as well. But my real specialty is recording ORTF-3D for my clients.


Photo: Palmer Morse

How did you get to know the ORTF-3D?

I think it was 2017 or 2018. I was seeing the boom of Ambisonics microphones and immersive microphones, and seeing a gap in the world of sound libraries where people were still recording stereo and maybe a little bit of Double MS. But there was really no big nature sound library that was recorded well in an immersive format or in an Ambisonics format. So, I saw this gap in the market and I said okay, I would like to fill this gap. I had been a well-trained nature sound recordist by Gordon Hampton for many years at that point. So, I set out on a journey to test every single microphone that was either Ambisonics or immersive that I could get my hands on. Over the course of about a year I found people who would lend me microphones, or I'd buy a microphone or rent a microphone and send it back. I probably tested about 12 different microphones including the ORTF-3D.

To me the ORTF-3D has two things going for it, in my mind. One is just, the sonic quality of the Schoeps capsules are beautiful - they're just beautiful sounding microphone capsules. And the other is flexibility—so instead of having to record an Ambisonics and then also have a stereo capture (because Ambisonics to stereo just doesn't work super well in my mind for the most part), I can take my one recording that I do with ORTF-3D and there's nearly unlimited possibilities in terms of how I can utilize that sound in the post-production process. I can have a beautiful stereo pair or four stereo pairs or eight stereo pairs depending on how it comes together. But then I can also drop these things into Atmos, into 5.1 or into 7.1, and I can do head-tracked VR stuff—and those can go into an Ambisonics encoder and are beautiful. So for me it was the most flexible and the best-sounding option all at the same time. So that's what I settled on. I was a little upset to settle on what was the most expensive option (laughs), but it's not an overpriced array; it's just expensive because what you're getting is these eight beautiful capsules and workmanship that's really top notch. So that's how I settled on the ORTF-3D, and purchased one as soon as I was able to in 2018.


American Prairie Reserve Recording

Can you tell us about projects with the ORTF-3D?

Since purchasing the ORTF-3D I've recorded—before this call I was trying to think how many hours of ORTF-3D recording I've done—the easier way to put it is in terms of terabytes, and I've recorded 36 terabytes of ORTF-3D, so months’ worth of running time. The microphone has traveled with me extensively around the United States—over 96,000 miles on trips I've done around the United States recording every type of ecosystem, from deserts that are 110 degrees Fahrenheit all the way to high Alpine zones that are negative 25 Fahrenheit in all sorts of weather conditions: rain, hail, sleet. For the past five years I've done thunderstorm tracking trips with the microphone and taken it to record storms. It's traveled with me to the Amazon jungle for three weeks. It traveled with me to Costa Rica for a month to record in jungles in Costa Rica. This microphone really hasn't left my side over the past few years, and what I've ended up with is the largest collection of immersive nature recordings that I think exists, honestly, in any format, but definitely ORTF-3D. It's been a real joy to work with!

It has its own unique challenges. As a field recordist you learn how to position your microphones not only to capture the right portrait but also to deal with things like weather and wind. All those things that I had learned when I was learning to record, I had to relearn with ORTF-3D because you can't tuck it in against a rock, and you can't have a shelter hanging right over it. I'm still learning new things and developing new methods of shielding the microphone from weather and things like this. But the payoff has been really wonderful. It's allowed me to approach the craft of recording completely differently, and it's been amazing!


Recording at Rialto Beach, Photo: Nick McMahon

What kind of spatial quality do you get from ORTF-3D?

Before owning the Schoeps rig—that’s what I call it—I’d done a lot of recording in binaural and a lot of recording in stereo AB. Those are great recording techniques for nature sounds in general. I just have always loved that kind—the way that the space opens up. I'd never done a lot of ORTF. I think what ORTF does as a stereo recording technique is that it gives you a better center image, which is something that binaural really struggles with and also AB really struggles with. So I really love that in terms of spatialization, the ORTF captures a center really well. I've heard this now in Atmos and in Ambisonics and Mach One, the way that the Schoeps can capture spatial material like a bird for example flying overhead, it's incredible! The first time I heard it in Drazen’s studio Q Department, he played for me in "Mach One" some recordings that I had done, my jaw was on the floor because it was so beautiful and so realistic. In the head tracker, I could look at the bird flying over and track it and then I could turn around and I could hear it behind me. The way that it was able to fold into that format was incredible!

I had a project with Skywalker Sound (a major studio in California) in 2019. They had hired me to record some ambiences in ORTF-3D for a client of theirs. So then I got to hear my ORTF-3D recordings in one of their big mix stages in Atmos. There were a few people in the room who were all really, really impressed—and it's hard to impress Skywalker folks actually—you know, these are the people who are just top of their game, top of our industry. The fact that they were impressed with these recordings, too, was a good boost for me.

The flexibility and spatialization is just amazing, and compared with other spatial arrays, I've never found anything that's even really close. Even the very high-end Ambisonics microphones just don't. I've done blind tests and 10 times out of 10—not even 9 times out of 10—people will always choose ORTF-3D, same recording, same microphone position, same mix, mixed carefully and encoded and decoded in whatever way is best; people will always choose ORTF-3D.


Organ Pipe Alamo Canyon

Do you have any practical experience with heating the ORTF-3D rig?

The built-in heater is an amazing feature. Any microphone system has tradeoffs. Certain microphones sound great but their noise floor is high. Certain microphones sound great but as soon as they touch humidity they fritz out. I think at some point I've heard people have this kind of misconception that Schoeps microphones and humidity don't work well together, but that hasn't really been my experience. If it's raining hard and I stick the microphone in a bag after it's been rained on and it sits there, sure, there can be some problems; that's just normal electronics stuff. But I've never had a failure of the microphone that wasn't a result of my own negligence. Even in the Amazon jungle I started to experience some issues, some popping, some weird fluttering in one or two of the channels and I thought: here's the humidity messing with the microphone—it was actually a bad cable. I swapped out the cable and it was fine. So I've never had a real failure of the microphone in a way that has prevented me from doing my work. In any case that's different from lots of my other microphone systems. When I bring my [Neumann] dummy head out into the field, that is a picky microphone and you have to treat that thing like a princess. Then it's beautiful, but its reliability has been exactly what I'd expect from an extremely technical, sensitive piece of electronics that I'm putting out into these areas.

The ORTF-3D heating system works great. I use it especially in these kind of wet environments that I'm in. Recording storms, it's been really useful because once the storm passes I can plug the heater in and help dry the microphone out a bit. It's been awesome, it's very well designed, very well thought out.


Night time recording at Anza Borrego, Photo: Laura Gianonne

How and where can we see or hear your work?

Boom Library, which is another outstanding German company. Boom I really think is putting out some of the best, not only sound libraries but also plugins and products for sound design. You can hear my work on Boom Library’s site; they're my distributor. They distribute all my sound libraries, I don't distribute my libraries through anyone else, because my relationship with them has been so good and their work is so good.

I do work for freelance clients and different apps and things like this. They'll license my sounds or they'll contract me to go record for them, but it's not as publicly accessible. The other part of my work, too, is that I help run a non-profit called Quiet Parks International​​​​​​​, and we do soundscape preservation and things like this. So people can learn more about my work over there as well.



All of these libraries were recorded with the Schoeps ORTF-3D.

For more information on Boom Library's products including information about the usage of ORTF-3D, check out these videos:


TROPICAL JUNGLE | 3D Surround | Trailer 

SEASONS OF EARTH - SPRING | 3D Surround | Trailer

the featured products